
Showing posts from February, 2025


Speak: "I am the thief of fate the stoat that drinks gold from the hen's empty nest no lock will go un-broken no hoard will go un-plundered I am trespasser and transgressor I will take everything from you." strike a door or container with your staff and it will reveal its secrets to you swinging open with a thunderous crack.

The Elemental Plane(t)s

This is my contribution to the 'Elements' Blog Bandwagon from the Prismatic Wasteland Discord server! [Edit: all the posts from the Blog Bandwagon can be found collected here! ] I've never been the biggest fan of the elemental planes, and I wanted to re-imagine them as something that excited me. For a while I've been interested in the idea of mapping them onto planets. These turned out a lot more science-fantasy then I typically like to run my games, but I enjoyed that aspect of writing them! Obviously these are not in any way reflective of the real planets in our own solar system. Meteor Shower - Étienne Léopold Trouvelot - re-cloured by me Mercury, Plane of Fire Vast oceans of magma span the surface of Mercury, the planet of fire. Her continents are woven from smooth black stone, with high mountains and tens of thousands of volcanoes. Home to the cruel and ruthless Iron Empire.  Legends of Mercury (d6): ...

Silly Little Minecraft Bestiary

I'm not gonna cross-post this anywhere because I don't really consider it polished/finished/whatever, but if you're reading this it can be our little secret :) I've been really busy with classes and low on spoons lately, but that hasn't stopped me from getting back into Minecraft after a couple years away, on a little server with some friends. Currently we're working on a trading hall, styled as a big fortified library-keep. I added a little rare book room for decoration, and wanted to fill it with some books of my own writing, little poems, stuff like that. This is one of them: (I can't promise there won't be any typos! I usually write with spellcheck!) ...