d20 Morale

Morale system I've been using lately:

  • Check morale when a group of npcs loses a leader or suffers half casualties, or when a solo npc suffers half health.
  • To check morale roll a d20. If result is equal to or greater then target's Morale score, morale fails, the group attempts to retreat. Otherwise, morale holds.

Morale score is by type of creature, as follows:

Morale Example
10+ Normal humans, animals
12+ Bandits, orcs, goblins
14+ Mercenaries, elves, dwarves, hobgoblins
16+ Monsters. Basilisks, ghouls, ogres
18+ Demons, dragons

What I like about this system is that I never need to reference a book. It didn't take long for me to have this memorized, and I've been yet to find a monster that doesn't neatly slot onto this scale.

I also find it very satisfying that this system uses the same 12-14-16 rule I prefer for armour class and saving throws.
